How The Jacket Way Can Benefit You

How The Jacket Way Can Benefit You

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Caitlin Taylor
eSomethin Staff

Do you want free tickets to this year’s spring musical?  How about a free parking pass? Or maybe, you want an extra Absence Forgiveness day so that opt-outs are still in reach.

Well, the Jacket Way promotes good behavior by awarding those select few who choose to walk the right path. The awards they win, span from the things listed above to individual Jacket Way card scratch-off winnings. The scratch-off prizes include things like a free snack or getting out of class 5 minutes early. To win the bigger prizes mentioned earlier you must first, receive a Jacket Way card for participating in a good deed. Next, you must hang onto said Jacket Way card until a quarter midterm or end. During lunch at the midpoint or end of a quarter, you will have the opportunity to enter your card into the drawings.

The Jacket Way is here to inspire young minds to commit acts of kindness and enhance the good nature of students at Perrysburg High School. Try your luck with the Jacket Way drawings or cash in on those sweet scratch-offs. The most recent midterm was Friday, February 3, 2017. Here are the lucky students, happy to have won their well-deserved rewards.

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